Psalms 42:11
“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”
Psalms 42:11 NIV
Your face is a billboard that advertises what is going on in your heart. All the joy or turmoil that’s inside you is reflected on your countenance, your facial expression, your body language, your tone of voice.
For example, when one’s mind is loaded down with the cares of life, the shoulders may slouch, the brows may furrow, the face may look drawn.
Many of us need to be careful of our facial expression because we could be sending the wrong message to the world. Your face is the index of your soul and reflects what is going on inside your heart.
Have you ever thought of yourself as a preacher? Not the kind that stands in a pulpit on Sunday mornings, but the kind that speaks the truth in love to those who need to hear it?
There’s no one I know who needs to hear the truth in love more than my own sin-sick self. Therefore I find the need to constantly preach the truth to my soul.
Feelings and circumstances change but the truth of the gospel does not. It is our constant hope in our ever-changing world. I am fickle and my emotions can get the better of me. Because of this, I need to preach to my own soul about the goodness and constancy of God. I need to hear the truth over and over again.
The Psalmist desire for God is like thirst, a vital need, not simply a minor emotion. Enemy attacks, mocking, or grief over being far from home should not override trust in God's goodness. Hardship naturally tempts us to become bitter and defeatist, instead, we should look forward to praising God as our Savior.
But how he responds to his circumstances is instructional. He chastens himself for being downcast and discouraged. And he chooses instead to put his hope in God, looking forward to restoration and the opportunities he will yet have to praise God.
Having mountain-top experiences with God is wonderful. But the valleys between those mountain tops are very real as well. And they are important as a time of growth in the life of the believer. “The old hymn there is peace in the valley.”
How do you respond while walking through “the valley of the shadow of death”? Rather than be discouraged by it, join with the psalmist in continuing to put your hope in God, even when He seems to be distant.
One definition for hope is: To look forward to with confidence or expectation. We must bring the Word of God with all its hope to someone who does not know it is real.
When we bring hope, we bring life. It is life changing to finally believe again.
It is more than just asking God for something we so badly need, we must expect our miracle somewhere in the midst of asking, believing, and expecting God to answer, we will find what we are looking for!!!
Father thank You for this day and for being our source of joy and hope. Lord let Your abundant blessings be my friend and family’s portion today. Lord thank You that we can find salvation and healing in Your presence. Lord we praise You for providing a way for us to enter Your presence so easily and accessibly. Lord forgive us for trusting our feelings to tell us the truth and for forgetting your goodness. Lord help us to preach to our souls and remind ourselves of the abiding hope that we have in You. Lord use us today to love others as You love them. Daddy we love You amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !