Psalms 63:1-4
“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.”
Psalms 63:1-4 NIV
Life often takes us through the weary place and the parched wilderness on this journey through life, where only God can provide the comfort and sustenance we desperately need.
As we read these verses today, can we say that God is our God? Even in our hardest days? Is He the God we worship and serve in our lives or is He just the God who is told about in the Bible? We can believe in Him as the only deity and as the creator and still not have Him as our own, as the God of our lives.
For the Psalmist, God was his God. The only way we can know God in this way is to come to Him through the blood of Jesus that was offered for our sins on the cross. Jesus Himself said that He was the way, the life and the truth and no one could come to the Father but by Him.
Peter declared that there is salvation in no other name than the name of Jesus. John said we know Jesus when we follow His commands and love one another, no matter what. We are to long for God in our lives as we would long for water if stranded on a hot, parched and weary land.
He is the God who saves us from our sin but He is also the God who gives us His Spirit to live in our hearts. He then empowers us to live for Him and to become more like Him. He gives us spiritual and heavenly wisdom to face the things we face each day. When we have seen and known our Lord, we will sing His praises as we share His peace and joy in our hearts.
Let us seek Him early and pursue Him earnestly because His loving-kindness is better than life itself. Let us long for Him ardently and desire Him incessantly and let us cry out to Him day by day!!!
Father thank You for this day and for being our All-in-all, and for Jesus. Lord open the floodgates of heaven and rain down Your abundant blessings upon my friend and family today. Lord thank You that You are our God and that You are the living water of life that satisfies the longing of our hearts, in a dry and thirsty land. Lord thank You that no matter where we are or in what circumstances we find ourselves , You are the Rock upon which we stand and the Heavenly Lover of our souls. Lord we pray that our love and passion for You would multiply morning by morning, for You alone can satisfy our inner longing, and understand the deepest cry of our hearts. Lord use my friend to be a bold witness of Your amazing grace to everyone today. Be a blessing.
Father, we love You. Amen !