1 Peter 1:22-25
“Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you.”
1 Peter 1:22-25 NIV
God’s Word is important. Through it we come to know Him intimately. He speaks to us through His Word and uses it to transform our lives. This is why we must soak our minds with it daily. The love about which Peter was talking was not the brotherly love we have for people we like or the romantic love of the emotions. Peter was calling them, and us, to love others as Christ loved us with a sacrificial love, that can only come from a heart that has been saved by grace through faith in Christ, a heart that is in fellowship with the Father, through a cleansed heart that is walking in spirit, and in obedience to the truth. Because we have a new life in Christ, and have been made a new creature through faith in Him, we have been given all we need for life and Godliness, and Peter is reminding us that we have a responsibility to live our lives in a way that honours the Lord. We are to maintain a heart that is cleansed and free from defilement. We are to preserve a state of moral purity. As believers, we are the most privileged people on this earth, for we know that our citizenship is in heaven and that we have an inheritance that is being kept for us. If this quote from the Old Testament had ended at this point, we would indeed be of all men and women most miserable. But Peter completes Isaiah's statement with a beautiful and enduring truth: "But the Word of our God stands fast forever!" Indeed, Peter goes on to explain that the Word of God, which was spoken through holy men of old, is the same Word of truth through which the gospel is preached today. The Word of the Lord is pure, perfect, and cannot be broken. God's Word stands fast forever and ever, and God has placed His Word above all. And from start to finish, the Word of the Lord details the way of salvation for lost sinners and is the means by which the gospel has been preached to centuries of believers. Scripture continues to be the vehicle by which we too have heard the truth of the glorious gospel of grace. We are blessed beyond compare because, in obedience to God's Word, we have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been obedient to the truth through faith. And as we continue to purify our heart and soul through living a life of faith, in obedience to Christ's commands, He will pour into our heart that sincere love for the brethren, that only comes through faith in Him, for we can only fervently love one another from the heart as the love of Christ streams into our soul and out to others. The Word of God is altogether true and His eternal order cannot be broken, let us, therefore, praise God that we who have been saved by grace through faith in Him, are the elect of God. But let us never forget that there are many who are dead in their sins who need to hear the truth of the glorious gospel of God. May we be emboldened in these last days to go into all the world and preach the unchangeable Word of Hope to those that are perishing. Let us hold fast to the Word of the Lord which endures forever and ever - for this is the Word by which the gospel is preached unto us!!!
Father thank You for this day and that in obedience to Your Word of truth we have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin, and have had our sin-sick souls cleansed by His blood and purified, through faith in Him. Lord open the windows of heaven and rain down Your abundant blessings over my friend and family today. Lord we pray that we would develop a sincere love for all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord develop in us a sacrificial love, so that we may fervently love others from the heart. Lord thank You that we have been called and chosen and that we have been born again into Your family. Lord use my friend as a witness to Your Word of truth and bring many more to glory in the days that lie ahead. Daddy we love You amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !