Psalms 115:1
“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Psalms 115:1 NIV
There is nothing good in us. There is nothing good around us that does not come from You, that You do not deserve all glory for.
We know it’s not about us and we want to put God first, but there are so many pressing needs and problems to deal with that before we even realize it, life becomes all about us. We know we have to put first things first when we pray, but often without thinking we put our own needs and our own wants first anyway.
And sometimes we worry more about what people think of us than what God thinks of us. It takes a right relationship with God to truly say, Not to us, Lord, not to us. The more we get to know Him and the closer we grow to Him, the easier it will become to be able to put God first.
We have to recognize who God is and what He has done for us to help us redirect our priorities. Reaching that point does not happen overnight. It’s a life-long process. We need to learn to pray as our Lord Jesus prayed when He said, Not my will, but yours be done.
All over the world buildings, parks, ships, and many other things are named in honor of someone. Some of these people did things to be seen by others. They want their name to be known and honored. They want the glory that comes with honor being given them.
People love to be honored. They want to be recognized for what they have accomplished. They want their hard work recognized and talked about. They want to see their names in the lights and headlines.
Even in the church, the desire for glory and honor shows up. When a person does some hard work for the church, he often wants to be recognized for that hard work. If no one says anything, people are often depressed and angry about not getting the desired recognition.
The psalmist is stating that he should not receive any of the glory at all, but that God is to receive all the glory. The reason God is to receive the glory is because of His love and faithfulness. God loved us first and has always been faithful!!!
Father thank You for this day and for Your life sustaining Word. Lord let Your abundant blessings flow over my friend and family today. Lord we pray that you give us a single-minded desire, a single-minded ambition for Your glory alone, to glorify You alone. Lord may You remove all pride from us. Lord help us to see everything, anything good in us comes from You, and help us then to desire Your glory in everything, Lord anything good in us for the steadfast, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness. Lord glorify Yourself through our lives. Lord use my friend to be the touch of Your love to all today. Be a blessing.
Father, we love You. Amen !