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Writer's pictureEddie Cox

A House Not Built With Man’s Hand

Psalms‬ ‭122:1‬

“I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.””

Psalms‬ ‭122:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

David starts Psalm 122 on such a positive note. Maybe we should ask, what should our attitude be when we are on our way to worship the Lord? After all think about this you are the house of the Lord and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are rejoicing with you when you enter into His presence.

The point that this Psalm is driving home is that God is with us wherever we go and we are to constantly be praising and worshipping Him through our everyday lives. The organization of church is a place in which we can feel encouraged and strengthened. From there we are to go out into the rest of the world and spread the joy of Christ that is living in our hearts.

David loved to play music for the Lord. He took great delight in going to worship God and even just sitting in God's presence. Have you ever experienced sitting in God's presence? What a joy to sit in the presence of God. There is no one like the Lord. No one is comparable to His goodness, His mercy, His love, His righteousness, and His glory.

Everyone pales in comparison to His majesty. What a joy to simply be in the same room as Him. How magnificent is the Lord? What words can describe His greatness? Nothing in all of creation is adequate. All the earth does not even begin to display His glory. The heavens are His footstool.

He is so magnificent that the universe itself cannot contain Him. O, let us delight in Him. Do we enjoy going to the assembly of fellow Christians and worshipping in Bible study, prayer, singing and thanksgiving? If these things bring us joy, peace of mind and rejuvenate us spiritually we will take advantage of every opportunity we have to be a part of them.

God has designed it so that we as we are brought closer to Him, we grow closer to others who are serving Him. Let us worship Him for all that He is. Let us rejoice in the magnitude of His glory. Let us celebrate that He alone is God, that He alone has all power, wisdom, and majesty.

Let us rejoice in the One who created us. Let us love Him who loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for us. Let us praise Him for the breath of life He gives us each day. Let us honor Him by simply sitting in awe at His presence. Let us serve Him by seeking His presence in our lives. People of God, are you glad to enter into the presence of the Lord today?

Regardless of what you may have awaken to, it is the Lord's presence, where our hearts and minds should be set on today. Let nothing get in your way. The Lord our God is great, He does miracles so great and He has done many for you and I. There is none like Him. Today and every day, our God deserves our praise, glory, honor and worship!!!!

Father thank You for this day and thank You for Your love and Your demonstration of love shown in giving Your Son for my sin. Lord let Your abundant blessings flow from the floodgates of heaven upon my friend and family today. Lord help us open our heart and allow Your Spirit to perfect Your love in us so that it overflows to those around us. Lord just as You are love, we want that attitude to define us also. Lord as my friend and I learn to love others as You love us give us a heart of compassion to want to help others by speaking the truth in love and showing them Your way to heaven. Be a blessing.

Father, we love you amen !

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