Mark 6:1-6
“Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. “Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village.”
Mark 6:1-6 NIV
One of the hardest places to live out our Christian life is in the home. Home is where we know each other best, and home is where our real self comes out the most often. And seeing that for everyone of us our real self is a sinful person, we get to know each other’s sins and weaknesses at home pretty well. Happy is the home that learns to love and forgive and extend grace to each other.
It is hard enough to live out the Christian life when everyone at home is a Christian, but it gets even harder when your home is a mixture of believers and unbelievers. When Christ is the center of your life but not the center of your home, that can bring division and heartache, and it can be very difficult to live out the Christian life in a non-Christian home.
Now part of that is because we are sinful people, but part of that is just the fact of the gospel itself. The gospel brings salvation to those who believe, but it also brings division between believers and non-believers. When you take a stand for Christ, those who do not follow Christ can feel uncomfortable or even threatened by your faith. And so it is not easy to be a Christian in a non-Christian home.
We see this illustrated for us in Jesus visit to his hometown of Nazareth where He was rejected by the townspeople, by His relatives and even by His own family. But we can also learn some valuable truths from this passage that will help us in our own struggle to live out the Christian life at home, especially if we have non-believing family members.
Because of the time and place in which we live there are many people who have a perceived familiarity with Jesus. That’s to say that they know some things about Jesus, but they don’t know Him truly or fully.
Sadly there are many who reject Jesus even though what they know of Him may not be accurate or complete. Or perhaps a fuller revelation of who He is doesn’t fit with who they’ve previously understood Him to be.
The unbelief of the Nazarenes stopped Jesus dead in his tracks. He could do no mighty work there. There were a few sick people he healed. We assume they had faith. And Jesus marveled at all this unbelief. He only marveled twice in the gospel records. Once, here, at a lack of faith. And, again, at the faith of a Roman centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant from afar, without visiting, because he trusted Jesus authority.
But the unbelief in Nazareth amazed Jesus. Scripture does not say he was not shocked by depravity, brokenness, or sin. But he marveled at unbelief.
Unbelief is a great hindrance to the work of God. I say that with fear and trembling. I am not one of those who throws around simple slogans like you just gotta have faith. And I don't want anyone thinking of God as a genie beholden to their wishes, which is why I've tried to show you how Jesus was inviting people into God's kingdom not their own little kingdom. And, certainly, Jesus can do what He wants to do. For instance, when no one had any faith, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.
But it does not seem like too much of a stretch to say that unbelief hinders Christ's work in our lives. He wants to reshape our minds, reform our habits, and remake our souls for his glory. But we must believe he can do that work.
You've heard the phrase, "It takes two to tango." Well, in a sense, this is true in our relationship with Christ. Now, as a tango partner, He is the world champion of tango who imparts His ability to all who will dance with Him, but it does take two to tango. You must step out in faith that He is able. You must decide that your faith matters, and place your trust in Him.
And these Nazarenes decided not to believe in Jesus. Though they'd watched His perfect life from childhood into manhood, they were unmoved. To follow one of Mark's themes, they were on the outside, while a few sick people were on the inside.
Every person who hears the Gospel will have to reckon with the truth about God, and His Son. They will have to make a decision, to accept the truth or reject it. The Nazarenes chose to reject Jesus, because He wasn’t the Messiah they’d made in their own image. Their prejudices blinded them to the facts they had. He is the Messiah, and He, the Spirit and the Father are, together, our triune God.
And let's be those on the inside. Let's be those who get to be part of His amazing work here on earth. Not just a few of us. Not just a handful of us. But all of us. By His blood, all of us can come to God. All of us can receive what we need. No one has to be outside. Let's all go inside His plans and kingdom by faith!!!
Father thank You for this day and the life sustaining Word. Lord let Your abundant blessings flow from the floodgates of heaven over my friend and family Today. Lord we fall so short of You and Your mission, the world we live in is so very needy and hurting. Lord burden us to sow Your Word earnestly that we may see a harvest. Lord take away our scholarly unbelief and doubt and take away our fears of what people would think of us. Lord anoint us with power afresh to speak Your Word boldly to all today. Daddy we love You amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !