Today we will walk through Paul’s hopeful and encouraging prayer for the church
in Colossae. Paul prays that the Colossian believers will be filled with God’s knowledge and
put it into practice.
- The Church in Colossae was very much like our Church today in America.Believers were attempting to combine elements of paganism;
- Name it claim it; Speak it into existence
And secular philosophy:
- My reality/My truth - The feelings over the rational mind
- Mind irrational but feelings are from subconscious
Honestly, this all stems from the reality that there is something greater than us. But for
many people, that causes feelings of inadequacy as those feelings come from a heart/mind that does not either have a relationship with Jesus, or does not understand how He cares and loves us. So that's why we will be looking at this prayer today as we begin our new year
Text: Colossians 1:9–14
Topic(s): Prayer, Discipleship, Fruitfulness,
Big Idea of the Message:Paul prayed that the Colossians would have the knowledge of God’s will and put it into practice.
Application Point: Our prayers for the new year should focus on putting our
knowledge of God and his ways into practice every day.
- Read
- Pray
How Paul prayed for the Colossian Christians.
1. (9-11) Paul petitions God on behalf of the Colossians.
To ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will: First, Paul prayed that they would have a knowledge of His will, informed by a true spiritual understanding.To know God and what He requires of us is our first responsibility.
How do we get to know God
- By His word
He tells us what He is..creator/Father/ Lord/ Priest/Confidant
He tells us what we are to do - Trust and obey - Where we learn Kingdom Character
He shows us through the many stories within the scriptures of his faithfulness,
reliability, and right to judge
How do we get to know God
- By being in relationship
He gives us parameters for that relationship
He gives out boundaries within this relationship
He tells us there is nothing that he will not do to protect this relationship:
Death/Mercy/2nd chances
Two themes predominate. The first (1:9– 14), in the form of a prayer, focuses on the spiritual well-being of the Colossian Christians and petitions God for their continued growth. The ideas quickly move to praise for what God had done in calling them to Christ.
- God continue to increase us in you
- Thanksgiving for benign given the opportunity of an eternity with the Creator
The second theme (1:15–20), in the form of a hymn, praises God for the work of the Son, Jesus. Thinking about the blessings of God in the lives of the Colossian Christians caused Paul to pray on their behalf.
- This is the focus we need to start this year off with; With the world going haywire we need a renewed effort to really focus on The Lord Jesus and His work to redeem even the worst of sinners.
***“Paul prayed with a goal in mind. The purpose of the prayer is ‘that you may live a life worthy of the Lord. It is wisdom applied to living, not simply wisdom related to knowledge.
The prayer was directed to transformation of character and witness. In this Paul differed radically from the Greek thought that surrounded him. His thought grew out of his Jewish heritage. In the Old Testament literature, the proper response to God is the ‘walk.’ The rabbis devoted much time and thought to the ‘walk’ that God required”
The Walk - You know the tree by its fruit - Faith without works is useless: No one knows who you are - The proof is always in the pudding. Following Christ is a life walked out in accordance to His will for us. College or high school students who follow Christ will often say a prayer before they take an exam. They will pray that God helps them get a good grade. Unfortunately, many students will pray like that even though they have not studied at all. The Colossians were different, though; Paul prayed that God would bring to mind everything they had studied so they could apply it to their test. Paul’s prayer for the church is that we are filled with God’s knowledge so we can live for God’s kingdom every day.
- Bring to mind: That doesn't mean God's will would just pop into our minds.
- It means that what they have studied and learned will resurface when the time comes.
2 Tim.15 - Study to show thyself approved; a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
PS. 119:105 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path
Jos.1:8 - This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate on it day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written within. For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have success
The story of Carol Nordman illustrates the power of prayer. Her prayers for her dad to become a believer were answered when he was eighty-six years old. Afterward, she discovered her great-grandmother’s prayers years and years ago, and how many people in her family had come to know the Lord as an answer to those prayers. As we enter the new year, we need to continue praying for people.We never know when God will answer our prayers.
And that is why we are instructed to pray without ceasing.
Paul list 5-benefits God gives all believers through Christ;
1. He qualifies us for Glory
2. Rescues us for Satan and adopts us as Children
3. He grants us entry into His eternal kingdom
4. He redeems us from shame and guilt; the effects of our old nature and old kingdom
5. He forgives us our trespasses; And continues to do so even to this very moment
And that is a great reminder as we conclude with our time today. Do not give up as if you are powerless, don't get weary of doing good, as if you belong to this fallen world.
Continue to be in : Prayer, Discipleship, Fruitfulness.
Because we have been given everything we need in Christ Jesus and as we start the New Year let us remember these old promises that will be true forever.
By Pastor Keanan Bovie
Happy New Year From Intentional Intimacy Ministries