Hebrews 13:1-3
“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”
Hebrews 13:1-3 NIV
We are called in this verse to develop a strong kinship with all members of the body of Christ and to engender a strong family relationship with other believers. Our inner resolve and heart-determination should be to consider the needs of our Christian family before our own personal needs, in order to provoke others unto love and good works, by the gracious example we set in our own actions and attitude, our words and our motives. How easy it is to let brotherly love become our watch word with those that are strong in the faith and how delightful it is to enjoy Godly fellowship with those who are walking in spirit and truth, but we are exhorted to love all our brethren in Christ, not only those that are spiritual. What an interesting idea. By showing kindness to strangers, you could be showing kindness to a messenger of God. Buying an extra burger to share with a homeless person, helping someone change a flat tire on their car, offering a ride to a colleague who needs one in these ways and more, God often gives us opportunities to show hospitality and compassion for someone who has a need. As I encounter people who are not part of a faith community, it saddens me when they describe Christians as less than compassionate people. Words I often hear in these conversations are that Christians are judgmental and condescending. Many people see church buildings in their communities as little more than clubs or political action organizations. They hear church people speak out mostly about what the members oppose. The world needs to see Christians as people of compassion, good news people who act like Jesus. That will happen when we nurture a habit of practicing compassion. It is not by accident that the writer of Hebrews urges readers to love each other and to look out for the needs of strangers. It’s easy to overlook the unusual or the unfamiliar. It takes the love of Christ to reach out to the stranger who might just bring a unique blessing that you never saw coming. Yes, the first principle of the spirit-filled life is for brotherly love to continue. We are to love as Christ loved us, to live as Christ lived and to show forth the love of Christ to all our brothers and sisters in Christ as we minister to them in love, without compromising the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ. We are to hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, so that we may stimulate one another to love and good deeds as we seek to develop the love of Christ in our heart to His praise and glory!!!
Father thank You for this day and that while we were yet sinners You loved us and gave Christ to be the propitiation for our sins. Lord pour out Your abundant blessings from the storehouses of heaven over my friend and family today. Lord help us in word and deed to increase and abound in brotherly love for one another, just as we also do for You. Lord give my friend and I wisdom as we minister to our brothers and sisters in Christ and may we speak the truth in love to Your praise and glory to all today. Daddy we love you amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !