Hebrews 13:14-16
“For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come. Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:14-16 NIV
The Lord Jesus offered up His sinless life to His Heavenly Father as the full, final, and sufficient sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. It was by willingly giving up His own perfect life as an offering to the Father at Calvary that the purpose for which Christ was born was accomplished. He became the full and sufficient payment for the sin of the whole world and all who believe on Him receive forgiveness of sins because He died in our place. We cannot bring glory to God without Jesus. We need our Lord’s Righteousness and Holiness in order for us to want to honor God rather than ourselves. We need Jesus in order for us to be able to praise God in all things. We need Jesus in order for us to look beyond our present circumstances and know that God is good. We need Jesus to move us into action, offering a genuine sacrifice of praise. What we have can be any number of things, but the greatest gift that you can give is yourself . We tend to measure our giving by material things, but they pale in comparison to ourselves. Your time, loving concern, prayerful support, a listening ear, and helping hand are far more valuable than anything money can do or buy. Notice that praise is connected here with sacrifice. A sacrifice is something you give that costs you something, it often brings pain or discomfort. We are to go out of our way without a thought of personal comfort to tell or show others the glory of Christ. He who acts only within the boundaries of comfort is not offering to the Lord any sacrifice of praise at all, and will not please God. When you invest yourself in others, you are pleasing God. Take the time today to give someone your time and attention. You will be glad you did. The sacrifice that God required of those that are purchased by the blood of Christ is that their lives become a living sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to the Saviour Who bought us with His Own precious blood. It is the fruit of our lips and the yielding of our inner being which flows out to Him from a broken heart that has been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, which brings honour to His Name. Christ died once for all on the Cross, therefore let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, which streams forth from a grateful heart that has been washed clean by the redeeming blood of Christ and is shown forth through the fruit of our lips when we give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and grace, and sing praises to the God of our salvation. The Lord our God loves our thanks and praises. He loves it when our lips and mouths are used to confess, glorify and magnify His Holy name for scripture declares that this pleases Him. God bless and do tell the Lord thank you for a mouth full of praise and a heart full of gratitude for what God has done for you and I through His Son Jesus Christ. Tell the Lord thank you people of God for indeed He has proven His love to us through Christ atonement at Calvary!!!
Father thank You for this day and for the praise that is our hearts today because of Your Son Jesus. Lord let Your abundant blessings flow from the windows of heaven over my friend and family today. Lord Your sacrifice of Yourself on the Cross for our sake we pray that we may show forth our grateful love and praise to You through an ongoing sacrifice of praise. Lord May the the fruit of our lips and the thoughts of our hearts be honouring to You today. Lord use my friend to be a bold witness of Your Word to all today. Daddy we love you amen. Be a blessing love ya!!