Isaiah 45:18
“For thus says the Lord, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: “I am the Lord, and there is no other.”
Isaiah 45:18 NKJV
God’s intention in Creation was not to create something permanently without form but to create an environment for His creatures that He suitably formed for their habitation. Thus this verse says nothing about the steps God may have taken in creating the heavens and earth. It rather explains His purpose in creating them. This verse is designed to induce us to put unwavering confidence in the true God. For this purpose, the prophet enumerates the great things which God had done in proof that He alone was A mighty, and was worthy of trust. That is, the earth. The language here is derived from the supposition that the earth is laid upon a foundation, and is made firm. The Scriptures renders this, God who displayed the earth to view, and who, having made it, divided it, that is, parcelled it out to be inhabited. The point is that only the one living and true God could do such things. We are reminded here how fundamental to everything we believe about God and to all our hopes of salvation is the fact that God is the creator of heaven and earth. He did not form it to remain a vast desert without inhabitants. By man, and the various tribes of animals. He makes it a convenient habitation for them, adapts its climates, its soil, and its productions, to their nature; and makes it yield abundance for their support. The main idea, I think, in the statement of this general truth, is, that God designed that the earth at large should be inhabited, and that, therefore, he intended that Judea thru lying waste while the captives were in Babylon should be re-populated, and again become the happy abode of the returning exiles. The Jews, from this scripture infer, that the earth shall be inhabited after the resurrection an idea which has every probability, since there will not be fewer reasons why the earth shall be inhabited then than there are now nor can there be any reasons why the earth should then exist in vain anymore than now. God says “I am the Lord, and there is no other”. To prove this to us, if proof were needed, He reminds us not only that He created everything, but that “He formed it to be inhabited”. It is through humanity, and therefore, ultimately, through the person of Jesus Christ, that the creation of the Earth has its fulfillment and meaning!!!
Father thank You for this day and for this planet, on which You have placed us to inhabit. Lord let Your abundant blessings be my friend and family’s portion today. Lord we thank You that Your love and mercy are demonstrated throughout creation, but most especially in the work of Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord help us to be quick to obedience when we hear your still, small voice speaking to our hearts. Lord have Your way in our lives, remind us that Your intentions are good, that You make all things beautiful in Your time. Lord use my friend to be the light of Your love to all today. Daddy we love You amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !!