2 Peter 1:19-21
“We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:19-21 NIV
We live in a dark world. Despite the advances that man has made in areas such as medicine and technology, nonetheless the world is a dark place where evil rules. But the Christian is called to live by faith in the Word of God and not by sight. We are to live by faith in His Word and not because of our feelings, experiences, or emotions that may be induced by the world around us. The Word of God not only tells us of our salvation by grace through faith in Christ as Saviour, but the Bible tells us the end from the beginning. It tells us that our faith is built on the witness of the apostles and prophets of God. And it tells us that our trust in God is built on a more sure Word of prophecy which is recorded in God's Holy Word. And we do well to take heed unto the written Word of God, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, for we read in Psalms “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Just think about when you hold the Bible in your hands when you read the Bible, when you hear the Bible read, you are hearing, you’re reading, you are receiving the Word of God breathed out by God. Those who wrote this, those who spoke these things did so as they were, listen to this phrase, carried along by the Holy Spirit. Oh, what a beautiful picture. From the wonder we have in God’s Word, this is spoken by people whom God chose to carry along by His spirit in such a way that what they would speak, what they would write would come straight from Him to us, even just the mercy and the grace of God and the revelation He gives us in His Word. So there are a few key truths that come out of this set of verses about Scripture. The first is that Scripture has its source and its origin from God. Scripture is not a human idea. First and foremost, it is a divine idea. God is a God who speaks and delights to reveal Himself. And so when God speaks, He is telling us something about who He is, what He values, what’s important to Him, and what He is doing in this world. But Scripture doesn’t just drop down straight from heaven for us. He uses human beings that are in tune with the Holy Spirit. He, by his Spirit, empowers human authors to write down exactly what He wants us to know. He’s not left us in the dark about who He is, about how He works, about how you and I can experience life to the full now and forever. All of this and the Spirit breathed, supernatural Word of God. Oh, I want just to encourage you in a fresh way today and to love the word, to spend time in it, to digest it, to memorize it, to meditate on it day and night. Let us treasure the Word of God and keep its truth ever before us so that we may recognize the prophetic times in which we live. For we are not children of this dark world but children of the light. We have the prophetic Word, written by the apostles and prophets of old confirmed in the written Word of God which we do well to heed in our hearts, knowing that the day of Christ's Second Coming is close, when Christ, the Morning Star, will set up His coming kingdom!!!
Father thank You for this day and the more sure Word of prophecy written in the Bible for us. Lord let Your abundant blessings pour out over my friend and family today. Lord thank You for telling us what would happen before it happens, so we would believe. Lord thank You that Your Word is a light to our path, shining light in the dark places of this life. Lord may we stand firm of Your Word of truth until that day dawns when You come to take us to be with You forever. Lord use my friend to be the light of Your Word to all today. Daddy we love You amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !!