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Writer's pictureEddie Cox

Forget Not

Psalm‬ 103:1-2                    

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,”

Psalm‬ 103:1-2‬ ESV‬‬

These verses call upon us to bless the Lord with our whole being, with every circumstance, good or bad and never to forget all the multiplied benefits of His grace and goodness that are poured down on us in such abundance, day by day.

Manifold are His mercies, which are new every morning and how pleasing it is to the Father to hear the reverent praise and grateful worship that comes from a heart that truly loves Him.

This psalm of David comes from a heart that is overflowing with thanksgiving for all that God had done. Today we live in a world that is very busy. It is easy to fill every moment with something. We almost seem to be afraid of being still and reflective.

But it is good to periodically get away from all of the distractions that surround us. To be still and reflect on our lives and on God. What has God done in your life? In your family? The church you are a part of? Within the world around you?

Rather than take for granted all that God has done, take the time to join with David in praising the Lord for His blessings in your life. And learn to do this, not just occasionally. But making it a part of your daily life to praise God for His blessings. Learn to live a life of praise to God.

Remind yourself of the times when God has helped you out. Remind yourself of how awesome it is to have your sins forgiven and to live in freedom knowing that He’s not holding your past against you. Remind yourself of how great it is to serve Him.

As you begin to remind yourself of all the great things God has done for you, you’ll find that your motivation to praise Him grows. Let us bless the Lord. Let us bless our Heavenly Father with every fiber of our being. Let us bless our heavenly King and glorious Savior with all that is within us and let us never forget all His benefits.

For He has redeemed our life from the pit, and crowned us with loving-kindness and He satisfies our years with good things, and renews our youth like the eagle.

Our God is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. So let’s bless the LORD, oh our souls and forget not all His benefits!!!

Father thank You for this day and for Your many benefits, for Your never-ending grace and unconditional love. Lord open the floodgates of heaven and pour out Your abundant blessings upon my friend and family today. Lord may we sing of Your praise with our whole being, for You alone are worthy. Lord we realize You are in control of all things and You are our constant protector and our guide. Lord we praise You for the wisdom You give and ask for more. Lord we thank You for the strength You provide in times of trials. Lord use my friend to help others serve You and live for You today. Be a blessing.

Father, we love You. Amen !

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