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Writer's pictureEddie Cox

Follow, delight, and understand

 ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:33-35

“Teach me, Lord, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end. Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:33-35‬ ‭NIV‬‬

When we read these verses it is not hard to see the simple desire of this Psalmist. He wants to learn God’s Word and keep it to the end. He wants to understand God’s Word and keep it with all his heart. He wants to obey God’s commands without fail. It is written from a hungry heart. He wants to be totally obedient all the time. And I think there are a great number of you reading this that can identify with that sentiment. It is God who must train us to appreciate His Word and His Ways and wean us from the vanity of the world. We are so helpless apart from the Lord. According to these verses, the commandments of God will only hold sway over our lives if God the Holy Spirit teaches us their true meaning and relevance. It is only when God gives us true understanding that we will gladly keep His commandments with the whole heart. Like the Psalmist here in these verses, it is so important that we learn to ask and depend upon God to teach us His decrees and then to follow them. How can we understand God's Word? Again, we must ask Him to help us to understand and obey His law. Sadly, I find many Christians are weak because they depend upon themselves, they think that they have the ability in themselves to be obedient to God. We are creatures of this world, creatures of sin, and as such are greatly influenced by those all around us to redefine what it means to do good. However, only God can show us the truth of His Word and then give us the ability to obey it. Continually ask Him to help you humble yourself before Him. As a Christian, He is your only Lord and Savior. He alone can turn your eyes away from worthless things and preserve your life according to His Word. What then are the results for the Christian who turns to God for help? He gives us the grace to be obedient to Him and takes away disgrace. Not the disgrace of the world, but disgrace before God which comes from disobedient hearts and lives. Then, like the Psalmist we will long for God's precepts and will find our lives preserved in His righteousness. When we finally make our way into the path of God’s commandments, we will discover true delight!!!

Father thank you for this day and the breath of life and delight that is in Your Word. Lord open the floodgates of heaven and pour out Your abundant blessings over my friend and family today. Lord create in us a fresh desire for Your Word, and an understanding far beyond what we knew before. Lord teach us and guide us as we read and study Your life changing Word. Lord we know now that true happiness is found in Your instructions, and we want to dive into a deeper relationship with You from now on. Lord use my friend to the light of Your Word that others may come into intentional intimacy with You today. Daddy we love you amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !

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