Mark 8:1-9
“During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.” His disciples answered, “But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?” “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked. “Seven,” they replied. He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. When he had taken the seven loaves and given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people, and they did so. They had a few small fish as well; he gave thanks for them also and told the disciples to distribute them. The people ate and were satisfied. Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. About four thousand were present. After he had sent them away,”
Mark 8:1-9 NIV
In today’s society, we are familiar with the term followers. From big time celebrities to your neighbor next door, we all have a group of people who follow us on social media because they want a look into our lives, they want to know who we are and what we are about.
We sometimes follow others because we want to emulate their marriage, parenting style, home décor, or eating habits. We think we are getting a clear picture on who this person actually is just by following pieces of their story.
When Jesus invited His disciples to follow Him, He was asking them to watch what He did and learn from Him. Little did they know what Jesus was actually inviting them into. He wasn’t just asking them to take bits and pieces of His teachings. He wanted them to learn to emulate His whole life.
Jesus sees the distance we have come and looks at us with compassion. We take this time to allow ourselves to be nourished as Jesus offers us insight. We bring the people and situations of my life before Him.
Life is hard. It is filled with pain. When we face hard times, knowing someone genuinely cares and will go out of their way to help is extremely important.
When we read the Bible, we can’t argue with that truth. It’s just so clear. But when we think about applying that truth to ourselves, I wonder, do we believe it? Do you believe God cares for you? I find it so easy to believe God cares for someone else. But me? I know myself. I know I’m not lovable not really.
Yet I want to be loved. I want to be cared for. So do you. Well, God considers that desire, when it’s turned toward Him, requirement enough to lavish Himself upon you. He will take that need and multiply it into a glorious future.
But here’s our problem. We forget Jesus is the one who can fill us up. Like His disciples, we can stand with Jesus and forget Jesus at the same time. So passages like this help us see how wonderful Jesus really is. This is the kind of passage that clears our view, that wipes away the grime from off the windshield and lets the Son in.
The Bread of Life died on the cross, but as a seed planted in the ground, from the grave grew a glorious provision. Our greatest need, our greatest desire, our deepest longing is not for another full belly, it’s for a full life, the life we lost long ago, the life we wonder if we’ll ever get back, the life we know we should have but cannot get on our own.
We’re so tired of getting hungry. We’re so tired of hurting. We’re so tired of sinning. We’re so tired of being tired. We long for a satisfaction that only a good resurrection can give. Well, Jesus has one for you. It’s coming soon. How’s that for satisfaction?
The only thing you need for this story to become your story is to want Jesus. When you come to Christ with empty hands of faith, He turns to you in compassion and fills them to the brim.
This passage is a spiritual picture of the world. Around you is a city of spiritually hungry people. They haven’t been fed the Bread of Life which is Jesus Christ, the only way to life. God has put you in the middle of a spiritually hungry city where you live. They are all around you, and you will know them by their hollow eyes.
Your city is a miracle waiting to happen. Every day we, as the Body of Christ, have opportunities to feed those around us who are hungry. The hungry are all around us, often closer than you think. And God has called you and called me to feed them.
Have you been worrying over God’s provision lately? I know I have been struggling with this. These are difficult economic times, and some of us are feeling financial pressures like never before. We need to take this second feeding of the multitude to heart. Remember who Jesus is and what He has done.
Don’t just look at the feeding of the four thousand and say, What a neat miracle. Dig deeper, and see the deeper meaning behind the miracle. Jesus is God. He has not changed. What He has done before, He can do again.
God’s gifts to us for our bodily and spiritual needs both flow from the cross. From the cross, we see Christ with the ultimate expression of compassion for you. Christ takes upon Himself our concerns and needs and provides us in exchange the bodily and spiritual gifts, in the Great Exchange!!!
Father thank You for this day and the Word of life that feeds our souls. Lord let Your abundant blessings fall upon my friend and family today. Lord we pray that You will use us to serve others and to train others to serve. Lord lead us to people we can effectively serve with Your grace and help us not only to see the opportunity to serve, but also to follow through on that opportunity as well. Lord we pray that we will be Your example of love, compassion and service today. Daddy we love You amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !