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Writer's pictureEddie Cox

Commander of The Lord’s Army

Joshua‬ ‭5‬:‭13‬-‭15 

”Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?” The commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.“

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭5‬:‭13‬-‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I just want you to get a mental picture. I’m going to give you three points here. Joshua is on the outskirts of Jericho, so he’s about to lead the people of God into the promised land, and he’s about to specifically lead an army into the first battle he has led them in. You can just imagine all the things going through Joshua’s mind as he looks at what’s before him, and God meets him in that moment and says at least three things to him.

First, God reminds Joshua that he is not alone and God is with him. And we’ve seen this already in Joshua 1. We’ve seen it at the end of Deuteronomy. “Just as I was with Moses, I will be with you.” And here at this pivotal moment in Joshua’s life and leadership, God is reminding him yet again, “You are not alone.”

Second, that you are second in command. I love this. “Who are you?” Joshua says to this person he sees, and this person says, “I’m commander of the army of the Lord.” That’s who Joshua thought he was. He thought he was commander of the army of the Lord. But he realized in this critical moment that he was second in command, that the Lord is ultimately in command.

Third, Joshua realized here he is on the outskirts of pagan Jericho with all the false gods and idolatry and immorality being practiced in that city. And Joshua hears God say, “You are on holy ground. Take off your sandals from your feet.”

We could go to other places in the Bible, specifically in the New Testament, where we hear God speaking. I want to encourage you today, no matter what you’re going through in your life, no matter what you may be going through in your leadership in some sphere of influence, whether it’s your home or at work or however you lead, in the church, be reminded today, you are not alone. God is saying to you right now through his word that he is with you.

Two, you are second in command, and he is sovereign over all. He is Lord. And so your first responsibility then, and my first responsibility today is to bow before him and say, “What do you say to me? What do you want me to do? You’re in charge of my life.” And third, to realize that no matter where you are, if you are God’s servant, following God’s will and God’s word, then you are always on holy ground. You walk. Everywhere your foot treads is holy ground.

Have you ever found yourself at the absolute limits of your ability, without a clue as what to do next? Have you ever felt the pressure of leading or providing for others? Have you ever felt confused over what your next move should be? Let Joshua's story and Jericho's toppling encourage your heart.

Sometimes the responsibilities of life overwhelm us. The pressure becomes immense. Recently I've been reading about the millennial generation and the challenges they face in the educational system and the workforce. The pressure to excel, to make it, to try and find suitable work, is immense, and one example of millions.

Relational brokenness, world chaos, wayward desires, church mission and vision, aging bodies, raising children, gospel stewardship, business decisions, etc. Time and time again new Jerichos emerge.

In those moments, remember the Lord, how He fights for His people. He asks you to cast all your care upon Him.

He is leading and working and moving behind the scenes. He has a plan, often an extremely counterintuitive one, and He wants  to communicate it to you. As with God's plan for Jericho, it might sound crazy, it might feel nonsensical, but, by his power and might, it will be the one thing which works.

Like Joshua and the Israelites of old, if we stand firm on the Word of God and are careful to follow all that God has said, we will prosper, have good success, and defeat every opposition we encounter. But when we refuse His leading and guidance, God will correct and chasten us until we are ready to submit to His leading and put Him first in our lives!!!

Father, thank You for this day and how wonderful that Joshua met the Angel of the Lord, the Commander of the armies of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you that Jesus is Captain of my salvation. I pray that no matter what problems or difficulties I may encounter, I would be ready and willing to give You control of every part of my life. Lord, pour out Your abundant blessings over my friend and family today. Lord, we pray that my successes and my failures all work together, for Your greater praise and glory. Lord, thank You for the many reminders that without You I can do nothing, but that I can do all things through You Who strengthens me. Lord , use me to be someone’s blessing today.

Father, I love You. Amen !

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