1 Corinthians 3:6-9
“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”
1 Corinthians 3:6-9 NIV
How astonishing that we are fellow-workers with God. We are His field and His holy building. Through us, He wants to bring forth fruit for our eternal benefit to bring forth 10-fold, 50-fold, 100-fold fruit. We are living stones that are being built into a holy habitation for the Lord. He desires to use us for His greater glory and by His grace, has taken up residence within our mortal bodies, as He supernaturally conforms us into the lovely image and beautiful character of the Lord Jesus until it is not we that live, but Christ that lives in us, and through us. What joy should fill our hearts and what awe should flood our beings as we contemplate the momentous position, of fellow workers with God. When a farmer plants a seed, and waters it, he really does not make it grow. The miracle of life does that. All the farmer can do is to provide the right environment for growth, and trust in the miracle that God provides. We do the same thing by planting the Word of God in people’s hearts and minds. Once that seeds starts germinating as a person puts their faith in Christ, God wants them to grow. However, making a one time decision that is then neglected and left malnourished is not what Christianity represents and that many fail to understand. True Christians live and have a personal intentional intimate relationship with God through His Son. When a person comes to Jesus, they become a new creation in Christ and are born again and as spiritually newborn baby they need to be nurtured to grow. You need to understand that you cannot grow as a Christian until you first become a Christian. There must be spiritual life before there can be spiritual growth. The seed must have been planted and constantly watered for it to grow. Once the seed germinates and starts growing it needs to develop and grow to produce fruit. In the same way a believer in Christ needs to grow by learning about God, the Word, prayer, forgiveness, sin, temptation, and a host of other Biblical issues. When we talk about spiritual growth and maturity, we are not just talking just about Bible knowledge gained, we are talking about character. True spiritual growth and maturity will always result in the Christian becoming more like Jesus in character which is accomplished through the Holy Spirit living in us. As God's fellow workers, let us occupy until He comes to take us to be with Himself. Let us be content to work the works of God in the place where He has planted us, submitting to His refining work in our inward parts, as we labour with our Lord as co workers and fellow laborer’s and as we continue to be fitted together as a dwelling place for His Holy Spirit!!!
Father thank You for this day and the growth we obtain and we we seek You through Your Word. Lord pour out your abundant blessings upon my friend and family today. Lord thank You for the privilege of being used in the world as a witness of the You, and to do the work that You have already prepared for us to do. Lord roots out all that is of us and replace it with the sweet nature of You, as we carry out the work that You have prepared for us to do, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord use my friend to be the light of Your love to all today. Daddy we love you amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !!