Mark 13:21-23
“At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.” Mark 13:21-23 NIV
After reading today’s portion of Scripture, no one would ever be able to say, we did not know about the end, had we known it, we would have given our lives to Christ. Here we see Jesus clearly giving us a quick preview of what is yet to come. How we respond to these warnings depend on our relationship with Him.
Three times in Mark 13, Jesus tells us to be alert before His coming: Mark 13:5 : Watch out. Mark 13:9: Be on your guard. Mark 13:23: Be on your guard.
Why did He have to say it three times? He knows how unprepared we can be and how lightly we can take things, just like in the times of Noah.
Since Jesus return to heaven at His ascension, many false messiahs have come and tried to present themselves as the one true Messiah of God's people.
Jesus warned His followers this would be true. When he returns in the future, there will be no doubt. We must not let fakes, no matter how well-intentioned or how deeply deluded, deceive us.
In verse 23 thec final warning to be on your guard is given to God’s elect. It says in Matt.22:14, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” You and I need to be among the chosen few.
Even though we are standing today never forget that it is His grace that is sustaining us. As God’s elect, we need to always be aware that the spirit of the Antichrist is at work right now.
Satan’s main tactic in spiritual warfare is to misrepresent the Word and the character of God. The closer we get to the end the more he will attempt to deceive God’s elect.
Here is the best way to stay on guard I saw it best put like this. We stay on guard through regular prayer and Bible study by ourselves and with others.
As we worship, cultivating loyal Christian friends, and learning to discern between right and wrong, true and false.
We must keep these intentional intimacy with Christ going, always in progress. These disciplines make or break a Christian’s preparedness for whatever the enemy throws at us.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ; I can’t think of any more appropriate application for our lives to our Lord’s teaching about the Great Tribulation than what Matthew 25 teaches.
Keep the oil in your lamps and keep them burning. Keep under the rule of the Holy Spirit, and keep vigilant in your faith.
Don’t squander your time; and then presume to ‘get serious with the Lord’ when you see the prophetic signs becoming clearer. You may not have time to do so then.
Take heed, be alert, and keep faithful now. May it be that He comes soon; but whenever He comes, may He find us ready.
May we today go slow, be careful and prayerful and test everything by patience and the Word of God. Lets us hold on to Christ until His coming again!!!
Father thank You for this day and please keep our eyes open to your truth and keep our spiritual discernment sharp. Lord let Your abundant blessings pour out on my friend and family today. Lord empower us to not be deceived by anyone or anything regarding your Son's will for our lives or His glorious return. Lord deliver us from the deception of false messiahs and false prophets of the last day, even if they perform miraculous signs and wonders. Lord help us to weigh their words and actions against the trust scales of Your Holy Word to see if they are spreading truth or lies. Lord open our eyes and ears to their true purpose and their true nature, so we don’t lose our way and wander from Your path. Lord use my friend to be the light and love of Your Word to all today. Daddy we love You amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !